Friday, May 15, 2015

Ready for Action!

Thank you, everyone, once again for the effort and love you put in to contributing to the latest Love Blanket. Here is the finished product:

It's a beaut! I hope you can all find your squares on there. Once upon a time I was very diligent about keeping track of who contributed which square, but I'm afraid that my diligence in this regard has flown out the window. But make sure you let Courtney know which are your beautiful contributions!

I want to acknowledge here the help Marg (my mom) gave in stitching the squares together. She did a good half of it while I was away on a conference, which was a huge help! Also incredibly helpful were the layout suggestions offered by hubby Jeffy. He didn't knit for this one (though my daughter Neva did), but he was instrumental in figuring out the most pleasing arrangement of the squares.

As always, all of our very warmest wishes go with this blanket for a smooth entrance of the new little one into the world. May the newest Merllins family member have many long years of cuddles and health and happiness wrapped in this blanket of love.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Third Verse, Same As The First

Hi again everyone! Welcome to the blog for the wonderful new addition to Kyle and Courtney's family!

After the successes of the Wedding Blanket, Brynn's Baby Blanket, and Leah's Baby Blanket, we've decided to continue the tradition of "love blankets" (as Courtney and Kyle have dubbed them) and make a blanket to welcome Brynn and Leah's new sibling into the family. This blog is a place to share and get information, post progress and pictures, and generally keep informed about how things are progressing on this lovely, love-filled project.

(The eagle-eyed among you will notice that this blog looks remarkably like Leah's Blanket Blog. That's because it is! Instead of creating a whole new blog, I'm just re-using this one. Part of the fate of the third child is to get hand-me-downs; here is the first one!)

So here's the low-down:

* We're making a Baby Blanket for the arrival of Kyle and Courtney's baby, due in May 2015.
* This blanket is not a secret; in fact, Courtney will likely be adding a square or two of her own! (And maybe Kyle will be too!)
* We need 42 squares.
* Squares can be knitted or crocheted, but should be about 6" (or 15cm) square.
* Squares must be made out of superwash wool. (This allows the blanket to be warm, washable, and relatively safe in case of fire. Check out the Yarn Harlot's post on this subject - scroll down a bit to just after her list.)
* Squares should be made in bright, vivid, rainbow colours.
* Squares should be sent to me, unblocked, by March 1, 2015. I will take on the task of blocking the squares, assembling and sewing them together, and knitting any extras which need to be done. If you need my address, just send me an email and I'll pass it along.

If you know of anyone who'd be interested in contributing, please pass this blog site along. If you want to contribute to the blog, you can email stuff (photos, stories, patterns, accomplishments, etc) to cherylATparsons-sheldrakeDOTcom and I will post it on your behalf.

As always, I'm super excited about this project! Feedback is always welcome. Thank you so much for participating!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Finished Product(s)

So the blanket arrived in Prince George today and Courtney sent me this photo of it in use:

And here are the pictures I took before sending it off:

Thank you to everyone who gave their time and love to this project. I hope the love that fills this blanket continues to envelop Leah for many, many years to come.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

All Done!

So the blanket squares all arrived in early April and we had an unprecedented extra three squares! I made an executive decision to leave three of them out, either because of size, or colour-matching, but I made sure that at least one square from every contributor is in the blanket. (I sent the extra squares to Courtney in case she gets inspired to do something wonderful with them.) Anyway, I was contentedly and unhurriedly working away at sewing the blanket together when the little munchkin made her appearance ten days early! Immediately after the joy of hearing of her arrival, I thought, "Man, I'd better get going on that blanket!" And so, one day after little Leah's appearance, the blanket was finished and sent off.

Since I'd like the blanket to still be as much of a surprise as possible, I'm only going to post this pics of the ends I trimmed off after stitching the blanket together and weaving the bits in. The blanket should arrive next week, and I hope it has a long life of cradling Leah in warmth and love.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Great Things Courtney Has Made

I thought I'd share with you these pictures that Courtney sent of her squares, and of darling Brynn helping out.

Stella and Brynn even helped with the blocking!

How wonderful that the whole family is helping out to make this gift of love for the new little one. Thanks Coco and Brynn (and Stella) for your love-filled addition to the blanket!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Portable Love

The updates on the blog for the blanket have been few and far between. This is for a number of reasons, but partly because even though Courtney is participating in this one, I'd still like the final product to be a bit of surprise! But I've blocked the first pile of squares, which have come from Marg, Jean, Tory and myself, and here's what things look like so far:

A week or so ago, the Yarn Harlot wrote a beautiful blog post about the meaning of knitting, in which she said that "Knitting is the best container I know for love - especially when you give it to another knitter." That's what we're doing here with this project, and with every Love Blanket which is so aptly named by Kyle and Courtney: offering up "portable love." Thanks for making this so special!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog for the wonderful new addition to Kyle and Courtney's family!

After the successes of the Wedding Blanket, and Brynn's Baby Blanket, we've decided to continue the tradition of "love blankets" (as Courtney and Kyle have dubbed them) and make a blanket to welcome Brynn's new sibling into the family. This blog is a place to share and get information, post progress and pictures, and generally keep informed about how things are progressing on this lovely, love-filled project.

So here's the low-down:

* We're making a Baby Blanket for the arrival of Kyle and Courtney's baby, due in May 2013.
* This blanket is not a secret; in fact, Courtney will likely be adding a square or two of her own! (And maybe Kyle will be too!)
* We need 42 squares.
* Squares can be knitted or crocheted, but should be about 6" (or 15cm) square.
* Squares must be made out of superwash wool. (This allows the blanket to be warm, washable, and relatively safe in case of fire. Check out the Yarn Harlot's post on this subject - scroll down a bit to just after her list.)
* Squares should be made in bright, vivid, rainbow colours.
* Squares should be sent to me, unblocked, by April 1, 2013. I will take on the task of blocking the squares, assembling and sewing them together, and knitting any extras which need to be done. If you need my address, just send me an email and I'll pass it along.

If you know of anyone who'd be interested in contributing, please pass this blog site along. If you want to contribute to the blog, you can email stuff (photos, stories, patterns, accomplishments, etc) to cherylATparsons-sheldrakeDOTcom and I will post it on your behalf. This blog will also be a place to keep track of who's participating, and will serve as a kind of diary/memento for Kyle and Courtney and their new little one.

As always, I'm super excited about this project! Feedback is always welcome. Thank you so much for participating!